Tag Archives: eten


Van de week was ik met twee vrouwelijke kameraden in een snackbar om wat te nassen. De langste dame uit ons gezelschap moest zich even verexcuseren en gaf mij de verantwoording over het bestellen van een frikandel speciaal en een … Continue reading

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Eat, pray, love

Do not read this book – seriously. Perhaps I should not have read this as a ‘New York Times bestseller’ but as the Chicklit that it obviously is. I understand how this book might resonate with millions of Western unfulfilled … Continue reading

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Eat the love

Love, lust or longing… A psychological and emotional manifestation that has a deeply physical effect. Is there even really such a thing? Or is it just chemical trickery?Is this love or just gravy? Bio-chemistry teams up with cultural indoctrination to … Continue reading

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