Tag Archives: advice

DEAL WITH IT / Serenity

One of the things out there that can give us more insight into coping by breaking a few things down is the structure of Primary and Secondary Appraisal (Chesney, Neilands, Chambers, Taylor, & Folkman, 2006). These are the two connected … Continue reading

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Workshop Spelenderwijs 6 oktober

6 oktober 2015, 10:00 – 16:30 uur, Amsterdam Interesse in gamification? Staat u op het punt om spel serieus te gaan gebruiken? Tijdens deze workshop krijgt u een inleiding in de wereld van doelmatig spelen. U gaat naar huis met … Continue reading

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Broccoli Chocolate swirl

When discussing coding in education (and many of the STEM topics) together with game-based learning, the chocolate covered broccoli objection is often mentioned. Meaning that changing to a game or gameful structure for these topics will not work as you … Continue reading

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3 things a day

There are many complete methods and little tricks to help you to improve yourself and your experience of life. As we understand more of the things that determine our ‘state’ we can use this knowledge to improve on it. One … Continue reading

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8uur overwerken – FairWork

Op 22 maart hebben we heerlijk 8 uur overgewerkt in eetlokaal Moes. Van 18:00 tot 02:00 uur zijn we in vijf teams aan de haal gegaan met communicatieve vragen van vijf goede doelen. Ons team zette zich in voor Fairwork … Continue reading

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VU mini-symposium Measuring Causal Relations

There were several speakers that all had new and elegant solutions to the problem of trying to establish causality in their field. The one that most appealed to me was the story of professor Olivers. Possibly because as a Cognitive … Continue reading

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