Tag Archives: Game

Neem serious games ook echt serieus

Met Marjolein van Trigt sprak ik voor Binnenlands Bestuur over het gebruik van serious games door gemeentes en een aantal voorbeelden. “Een serious game kan een effectief middel zijn om bijvoorbeeld bewustwording te creëren over cyberdreiging of zwerfafval. Het laten ontwikkelen van … Continue reading

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Cognitive Reappraisal

Cognitive reappraisal is a change in cognition which allows for the interpretation of an emotion-eliciting situation in such a way as to alter the emotional impact it has [1]. It is using what you think to change what you feel. … Continue reading

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PALO Player Actions with a Learning Objective

One challenge that researching games has, is how to describe game content and especially capturing ongoing psychological processes in a way that makes them comparable. We tried to capture gaming behaviour in Blooms taxonomy which is a popular tool for … Continue reading

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Bloom’s taxonomy and psychotherapeutic games

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy has already been considered as the “most popular cognitive approach to Serious Game evaluation” [1]. Bloom’s original taxonomy [2] stems from the field of education and consisted of categories for Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. … Continue reading

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A Framework for developing Serious Games for Health

The paper Developing Theory-Driven, Evidence-Based Serious Games for Health: Framework Based on Research Community Insights by Verschueren and colleagues provides a well-researched framework for developing any serious game and especially one for health/wellbeing purposes. Their research into efficacy and best-practices … Continue reading

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PhD Gaming to cope

Gaming has promise. In order to fulfil its didactic promise we need to understand exactly what goes on while people are ‘in game’ and how this joyful experience can be used to facilitate positive behaviours – such as functional coping … Continue reading

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