Monthly Archives: August 2012


Van de week was ik met twee vrouwelijke kameraden in een snackbar om wat te nassen. De langste dame uit ons gezelschap moest zich even verexcuseren en gaf mij de verantwoording over het bestellen van een frikandel speciaal en een … Continue reading

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The gaming in software development (part 2)

Taking in trial and error as part of the process instead of avoiding it like the bubonic plague is part of creative success. One of the most magical elements of a game-frame is that we constantly try and fail until … Continue reading

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The gaming in software development (part 1)

Yes, yes, yes: Gamification! The term sparks this Tell-Sell voice in my head “Oh my God, this is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Look, I can do what I have to do and have FUN while doing it. Such an amazing discovery. Your … Continue reading

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