Tag Archives: education

Metacognition: Discussing a definition

‘Thinking about thinking’ had been cited by Flavell before the eighties as a “promising new area of investigation” coining the term metacognition. “Metacognition refers to one’s knowledge concerning one’s own cognitive processes and products or anything related to them. […] Metacognition … Continue reading

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Workshop Spelenderwijs 6 oktober

6 oktober 2015, 10:00 – 16:30 uur, Amsterdam Interesse in gamification? Staat u op het punt om spel serieus te gaan gebruiken? Tijdens deze workshop krijgt u een inleiding in de wereld van doelmatig spelen. U gaat naar huis met … Continue reading

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Resources: Games for health and education

The Center for Digital Games Research holds the searchable Health Games Database where you can find “hundreds of Games, Publications, Resources, Organizations, and Events – all focused on the use of digital games for health and health care.” It looks … Continue reading

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Broccoli Chocolate swirl

When discussing coding in education (and many of the STEM topics) together with game-based learning, the chocolate covered broccoli objection is often mentioned. Meaning that changing to a game or gameful structure for these topics will not work as you … Continue reading

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A knowledge taxonomy

By applying taxonomy to explore the concept of knowledge, an organisational structure can be superimposed. This taxonomy provides a shared structure and vocabulary for a complicated concept that cuts across many scientific fields and models. Blooms’ taxonomy (1956) was hailed … Continue reading

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This Is Not Rocket Science – Liftoff

Tonight we will start Twittering like crazy to get the engines going. The stars are out over Amsterdam, spring is in the air and it is a good day for a launch! On This Is Not Rocket Science you can … Continue reading

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