Category Archives: Uncategorized


A more diverse team has a better chance of coming up with innovative ideas and making your company more adaptable. Diversity needs to be made and maintained. TO BE OR NOT TO BE DIVERSE First of all, you should aim … Continue reading

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The 10-Year Smartphone: Renew Your Expectations

Maybe you’ve seen the ads online for a new smartphone that will last you 10 years. Maybe you too clicked on one, only to be disappointed that this phone does not exist … yet. The “10-year phone” is an initiative that … Continue reading

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Kunst & Kennis in VR || Hersengedrag

Voor hebben wij ongeveer 200 mensen Virtual Reality laten ervaren met de Oculus Rift tijdens de nacht van Kunst en Kennis. Voor bijna iedereen die in de rij stond was het de eerste persoonlijke ervaring met VR.   We hadden … Continue reading

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Real vs Virtual

Er is nogal wat spanning over de virtuele en de ‘echte’ wereld. Maar zijn het wel twee losse concepten of bestaat het één in het ander, en bestaat een virtuele realiteit eigenlijk wel? Sommigen denken dat er een ‘exodus’ zal … Continue reading

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Due to changes in our environment some places are being washed back into the sea some land cannot sustain life any longer… The people fleeing such places are refugees for geological reasons and we shall call them Refugeos

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Eat the love

Love, lust or longing… A psychological and emotional manifestation that has a deeply physical effect. Is there even really such a thing? Or is it just chemical trickery?Is this love or just gravy? Bio-chemistry teams up with cultural indoctrination to … Continue reading

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