Category Archives: Uncategorized

Loose Yourself

Television will create a numb society, the (smart)phone will stop people from having face-to-face contact and internet will keep us forever glued to our screens. Concern has been widespread about every type of mass medium known to man. Why are … Continue reading

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The good in being sad

According to Zillmann’s Mood Management theory (1988) we are all hedonists continuously striving for a positive mood. So what about negative media content? Thrilling or sad movies will fulfil the hedonistic principle as long as the good guys win in … Continue reading

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Was it good for you?

Mood-management theory (Zillmann 1988) proposes to explain the choices we make in all conceivable stimulus arrangements on the premise that we are hedonists. As a hedonistic user of media entertainment we will use media to get rid of a bad … Continue reading

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At our leisure

The more things change… Today, many people worry that people increasingly waste their free leisure time by turning to shallow media entertainment. They say that everything was better back then. But has so much really changed? Aristoteles raised the question … Continue reading

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Wetenschap als religie

Moderne wetenschap lijkt het antwoord op alles in huis te hebben. Maar ‘wetenschappelijk bewezen’ is niet meer dan dogma. Weten we iets of is het nog steeds geloof? De moderne samenleving stoelt zich voor een groot deel op de moderne wetenschap. … Continue reading

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Digitaal opvoeden

Een vraag die ik vaak krijg van mensen met kinderen: “Is gaming slecht voor mijn kind?” Een ja/nee vraag waar geen ja/nee antwoord op te geven is. Een computer, tablet, telefoon of gameconsole – al dan niet aangesloten op internet … Continue reading

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