Tag Archives: Self

Reality is socially made

One way to define reality is to approach it as a construct that is built within a social context. Social comparison theory, social proof and shared mental models are three different perspectives that all treat the perception of reality as … Continue reading

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So you think you can…

Self-efficacy, health and reappraisal Self-efficacy has proven to be an important concept in the chase of understanding and predicting what we do, and what we don’t. Bandura (1994, p.1) defines perceived self-efficacy as “… people’s beliefs about their capabilities to … Continue reading

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3 things a day

There are many complete methods and little tricks to help you to improve yourself and your experience of life. As we understand more of the things that determine our ‘state’ we can use this knowledge to improve on it. One … Continue reading

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Dinsdags – OBA

Blog gepubliceerd in de Texelse Courant (http://www.texelsecourant.nl) op 11 juli 2012 Vandaag zit ik met twee vriendinnen, elk achter onze eigen laptop, in de OBA. De Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam is een van de weinige moderne gebouwen in Amsterdam die ik … Continue reading

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Eat, pray, love

Do not read this book – seriously. Perhaps I should not have read this as a ‘New York Times bestseller’ but as the Chicklit that it obviously is. I understand how this book might resonate with millions of Western unfulfilled … Continue reading

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Eigen kracht

  Blog gepubliceerd in de Texelse Courant op 08 juli 2012 Ik las een column van Pieter Hilhorst in De Volkskrant over de Eigen Kracht Centrale en haar impact in Amsterdam. De Eigen Kracht Centrale – een particuliere organisatie – … Continue reading

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