Tag Archives: Research

Does a game prompt make us excited? Small online experiment

Finally online at ResearchGate – my presentation during Berlin Playweek 2016 at the Researching Games Barcamp The effect of a Game Prompt on Self-Efficacy concering problem solving challenges of living with Diabetes type II.   Initial results, would love to … Continue reading

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Metacognition: Discussing a definition

‘Thinking about thinking’ had been cited by Flavell before the eighties as a “promising new area of investigation” coining the term metacognition. “Metacognition refers to one’s knowledge concerning one’s own cognitive processes and products or anything related to them. […] Metacognition … Continue reading

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Workshop Spelenderwijs 6 oktober

6 oktober 2015, 10:00 – 16:30 uur, Amsterdam Interesse in gamification? Staat u op het punt om spel serieus te gaan gebruiken? Tijdens deze workshop krijgt u een inleiding in de wereld van doelmatig spelen. U gaat naar huis met … Continue reading

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Barriers to health appeals

This is my summary/translation of the article Abwehrreaktionen auf Gesundheitsappelle: Forschungsstand und Praxisempfehlungen by Hastall, 2012. Against threatening or disturbing messages we have defensive processes, in order not to get thrown into a (unhealthy) state of frenzy every time we encounter one. … Continue reading

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Perceived realism in media & gaming

Research at the turn of the century indicated that people can make judgements about the reality of a media experience on a moment-to-moment basis and that this judgement depends highly on the typicality of the experience (Shapiro, 2003). If it … Continue reading

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Reality is socially made

One way to define reality is to approach it as a construct that is built within a social context. Social comparison theory, social proof and shared mental models are three different perspectives that all treat the perception of reality as … Continue reading

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