The diamond age

Interesting book. Well written. A real page-turner, although the turning slowed down towards the end of the book.

The story takes shape in a likely not too far away future, where people live in ‘clans’ and fill their heads and lives with technology. Everyone is hooked on to the Feed; a tube filled with random molecules that can be reshaped into anything from buildings to food. It extrapolates from our current fab-labs and 3d-printing. Whereas the replicators in Star Trek seemed to be used only for food, the Feed is used for everything. The foundation of Maslows pyramid is all assembled in a microwave-like household appliance that goes beep. A certain level of poverty does no longer exist. However, society will always have a lowest level. By no means has the world become a fair place to live as we mostly learn from the story of Nell.

I especially like the interactions of the characters and their (new to me) surroundings. Technology and society as a whole has evolved but people will be people. New things and new structures mean the same fears and consequences. I like how this possible future has been thought out and is represented. Amidst this other worldly setting the philosophical question remains “How do you teach people to think for themselves?” I am of the ‘after’ generation and I can appreciate how a successful fighting generation might look in horror at the generation ‘after’ because this liberated generation does not even consider the things that they have fought so hard for. It is a given. Even here in our world it is those whom have considered the status quo and disagreed that are successful (the almighty Steve Jobs, Berlusconi, Madonna). But how do you teach someone not to follow? In the Diamond Age the answer is a book; a book that does more than our books are capable of doing and placed by Confucius in the hands of Nell, our very human heroin.

Artificial intelligence seems to have failed at some point, for the only thing that can cope with the deepening levels of mediated interaction in the Diamond Age are other humans. The global interconnectedness allows groups of people, some paid professionals, to virtually assemble at the required moment and disperse into nothing afterwards. This is not a far away future.
Different clans of people are described that have chosen their own application of the human energy liberated by the Feed. One of these clans chooses to turn their backs on technology and instead lives in a world made by hand. I meet their ancestors regularly; they say things like ‘I don’t like any appliances in my house’ and seem proud not to own a computer or cell phone. Other clans focus on religion or other societal structures or on pushing the edge of technological development and applications. Different forms of maintaining a group structure are explored.

Although the Diamond Age loosened its grip on me towards the end, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes science fiction or enjoys a well thought out description of a possible societal development.

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Convergence Culture.

Convergence Culture. Where old and new media collide
– Henry Jenkins

A good book, filled with examples of how our usage of media has changed –and is continuing to do so. The tone is friendly and on the positive side. This book is not about how the technology of media changes but how media-audiences are in constant flux.

Internet may have made everyone a possible mass-media producer, but the idea that we can take hold of created content and give it our own spin is not necessarily internet-driven or even internet-based. It is not even very new. What is new is the amount of people doing so and their interconnectedness and this is largely due to the production capabilities of new media. “Convergence does not depend on any specific delivery mechanism. Rather, convergence represents a paradigm shift – a move from medium-specific content toward content that flows across multiple media channels, towards the increased interdependence of communication systems, toward multiple ways of accessing media content, and toward ever more complex relations between top-down corporate media and bottom-up participatory culture. “

There is a lot in here about Survivor, Star Wars and Harry Potter; they do make for good examples. An alternative title for this book might also have been ’Fan-content’ or ‘What the audience does with media content’.

I would recommend ‘Convergence culture’ to anyone who is interested on how media usage influences us on a societal or cultural level and/or persons who are more specifically interested in fan-culture.

Convergence culture – Amazon

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Eat, pray, love

Do not read this book – seriously. Perhaps I should not have read this as a ‘New York Times bestseller’ but as the Chicklit that it obviously is.

I understand how this book might resonate with millions of Western unfulfilled women but after the initial ping there is nothing else there. So, if you feel inclined to read this book because you have lost yourself somewhere down the line do not read but act instead. If you feel that the life you lead (however glorious on the outside) does not contain anything that fills your fancy and if not just the thrill but even the ripples have gone, do as the main character in this book does;

1) Find one thing that excites you and go do that as fully and unapologetically as you can. Embrace your inner hedonist, empower your passion and kindle yourself back to life.
2) Sit down and listen. To any God you prefer, to nature or just your own breathing. Get in touch with the power in and outside of yourself- wherever you believe it resides. Do these things with love and compassion. Forgive if need be, understand what you can and allow what you cannot. (Feel free to add some professional counselling. A bit of cognitive behavioural therapy never hurt anyone.)
3) When you have the good fortune to love and be loved in return really experience it. Do not hold back, protect, strategize or manipulate but feel it.

Do all of this and do not write a book about it.

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Eigen kracht


Blog gepubliceerd in de Texelse Courant op 08 juli 2012

Ik las een column van Pieter Hilhorst in De Volkskrant over de Eigen Kracht Centrale en haar impact in Amsterdam. De Eigen Kracht Centrale – een particuliere organisatie – helpt mensen een plan op te stellen om zelf uit een vervelende situatie te komen. Met hun eigen mensen, op hun eigen manier. In de column van Pieter gaat het over Jeugdzorg en daar is Eigen Kracht inderdaad al vaak succesvol ingezet.

Het principe is oud, wijs en simpel. De hoofdpersoon stelt een hulpvraag en zijn/haar sociale kring komt bij elkaar, leggen de situatie en alle relevante informatie op tafel en vragen zichzelf en elkaar dan af “Wat kan ik hier aan doen?” Deze oplossingsgerichte, actieminnende en begripvolle bijeenkomst -een Eigen Kracht Conferentie- resulteert in een plan van aanpak. Dit plan houdt rekening met onderliggende emoties, lange termijn structuren en complexe familierelaties. Vanzelf. 99 van de 100 keer wordt dit plan uitgevoerd, met of zonder verdere hulpverlening. Mooi hè?

In tijden waar empowerment alweer overleden is als modewoord, hrm toch misschien weer gewoon personeelszaken gaat worden opent de hulpverlening in Nederland haar handen voor een stuk eigen kracht. Gemeente Amsterdam heeft de Eigen Kracht Centrale een voorzetje gegeven met genoeg ruimte om het zelf (wetenschappelijk onderbouwd) af te maken. Pieter : “in Amsterdam is bij 100 gezinnen gekeken wat de opbrengst is van Eigen Kracht-conferenties[… ] bij 29 kinderen voorkomen dat ze onder toezicht werden gesteld of is de ondertoezichtstelling opgeheven […] Bij 44 kinderen is een uithuisplaatsing voorkomen en bij 14 kinderen is de uithuisplaatsing teruggedraaid. “ Dit tastbare resultaat toont niet zozeer de spierballen van de Eigen Kracht Centrale maar toont vooral deze 100 gezinnen en hun eigen kracht.

Is er al Eigen Kracht op het eiland?

Priscilla Haring | Freelance Mediapsycholoog en Eigen Kracht Coördinator Amsterdam |

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Altijd het eiland

Blog gepubliceerd in de Texelse Courant op 06 juli 2012

Leuk, een week een blog schrijven als oud-Texelaar. Dat brengt ‘mijn eiland’ weer helemaal terug in zicht en dan blijkt dat het nooit ver weg is geweest.

Ik bedacht mijzelf de afgelopen jaren eerder als nieuw-Amsterdammer dan als oud-Texelaar. Maar er zit toch veel meer eiland in mijn leven dan ik mij realiseerde. Afgelopen weekend heb ik een fantastisch feest gehad op Texel (Island Samba) en twee lieve vriendinnen, die heel braaf om de hoek zijn komen wonen, zijn Texelse vriendinnen. Voor mijn niet-Texelse vriendinnen organiseer ik elk jaar een ‘damesweekend’ op het eiland.

Dit jaar ga ik er ook een week op vakantie met mijn lief (ras-Amsterdammer), mijn zusje (nog Texelser dan ik) & de persoon in onze vriendinkring die nog op Texel woont. Of moet ik zeggen; de persoon in onze vriendenkring die nog fulltime op Texel woont. Want al zijn we (bijna) allemaal weggegaan, we komen zeker allemaal terug. Voor familie, voor vrienden, voor een feestje of gewoon voor de wind.
Iets vaker in de zomer dan in de wintermaanden.

De afgelopen week heb ik nog eens naar mijn binding met ‘dat eiland’ gekeken en heel simpel geconcludeerd dat die er is. Vanaf hartje Amsterdam door de Noordkop en over het Marsdiep naar waar de zon schijnt en de wind waait. Ik ben heel blij dat ik in Amsterdam woon; ik hou van de reuring, de mogelijkheden en de oude schoonheid van deze stad. Vanmiddag kocht ik een oud tinnen potje met ingewerkt Texels wapen bij een kringloop in de Kinkerbuurt (Amsterdam). De band die ik ook meedraag tussen Amsterdam en Texel is al eeuwen oud.

Een rasechte Oud-Texelaar-Nieuw-Amsterdammer.

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Oh’ the Gameness of it all

‘Serious games’ and
There are blogs, books, articles and summits being held discussing these new game-concepts. Inspirational people come together to hold inspirational talks while the world is listening. The sliding grip we have on these new words loosens as everyone listens in through their own framework and translates accordingly. A sales manager might hear the concept of adding points to sell more products. An educator might hear a way to get kids engaged in difficult topics, buying the time needed to grade papers. Is it prudent to have an open global discussion on what these words are and whether or not they are useful (whether or not they deliver on the promising lure) when they still hold a different meaning to everyone?

The words are out there and they are hot right now but what they mean exactly and what the difference is between them, if even there is one, is unclear. I think most of us are not sure what we mean when we play with these words and concepts.
To me there is not much difference between them. The words/concepts are all about the structure that holds play (a game) and how we happily go through certain processes when we are comfortably held playing. We engage, we repeat, we overcome. Moreover, we do this in ways that we might not do outside of the play structure.
Thankfully, the world has listened to the almost magical message on the power of gaming. Now that we are finding more and more applications, not all of them sprout from the same intentions and not all of them will be equally successful.
Do not be disappointed by those who misuse or misunderstand. From several points of perspective people and organizations are filling the game-frame with whatever they consider good content and tag it as how they wish it to be used. Many of us are ‘fooled’ by the gamification-hype, whether being a critic or a follower. As gullible as the masses may be, individually we are hard to manipulate. We all recognize good game and perhaps even faster we recognize when the game-frame has been stuffed with something that doesn’t belong there. At this point the gaming ends and all our ‘normal’ media-suspicions arise.

Whatever you tag it, when gaming is involved you are holding a potential great experience. I don’t believe in the power in gaming, to me that sounds like believing in Newton’s laws of motion.
This is not religion so please stop treating it as such. Do not believe the hype, instead acknowledge the truth behind it.
Gaming as a framework has been uncovered and is not going away. When you wish to apply your content to this framework please find someone who is not a ‘gamification-believer’ but a critical researcher (or Do the Damn Research). If you have the time please visit this wonderful list of a hundred papers selected by McGonigal et. al. and/or read this one chapter by Haring et. al. on the psychology behind (serious) gaming.
I will be waiting for your call ;-)

as a bonus tickle Merriam-Webster’s definition of Gameness
*cheerful readiness to do something*
Synonyms amenability, gameness, goodwill, obligingness,willingness
Related Words celerity, quickness, rapidity, speed,speediness, swiftness; dispatch, promptitude, promptness;ardor, avidity, eagerness, enthusiasm, exuberance, fervor,gusto, keenness, relish, zeal, zest; agreeableness, geniality,good-naturedness, heartiness, warmth; open-mindedness,receptiveness, receptivity, responsiveness

and to level up; another interesting blog on the hype of Gamification

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