Category Archives: Games

Apps and Gamification

Let us start off with the comment that to me, using ‘Apps’ as a distinctive category is the same sort of categorisation as ‘Books’.  It is a media-format. It might be a little more suitable for some content than for … Continue reading

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Kunst & Kennis in VR || Hersengedrag

Voor hebben wij ongeveer 200 mensen Virtual Reality laten ervaren met de Oculus Rift tijdens de nacht van Kunst en Kennis. Voor bijna iedereen die in de rij stond was het de eerste persoonlijke ervaring met VR.   We hadden … Continue reading

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Broccoli Chocolate swirl

When discussing coding in education (and many of the STEM topics) together with game-based learning, the chocolate covered broccoli objection is often mentioned. Meaning that changing to a game or gameful structure for these topics will not work as you … Continue reading

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Verandering in realiteit door Alternate Reality Gaming – een onderzoek

Wat is ‘spelen’ en hoe verhoudt het zich tot de rest van ons leven en onze realiteit? Huizinga (1938) en Caillios (1957) waren de eersten die uitgebreid nadachten over een geschikte definitie. Spel is afgebakend als een activiteit die vrij … Continue reading

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Riftris ~* (noun) brandname A Tetris version developed by us for the VR-headset Oculus Rift, which divides the gameplay between both lenses in order to train stereoscopic viewing in people with no natural depth perception. People with normal depth perception … Continue reading

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VR and games as therapeutic tools

Before the break of summer I attended “Virtual reality and serious gaming for the prevention and treatment of psychological and behavioral disorders“ of the EMGO+ E-HealthExcellence network at the VU University. Some of the first clinical trials being run with VR/AR and … Continue reading

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