Tag Archives: Philosophy

Rehabilitation thinking for games in health

Designing and researching games in health has underlayers of models we (unwittingly) hold on what rehabilitation should be  – and held within this our concepts of disability – driving our design decisions or the questions we ask. Rehabilitation: all measures … Continue reading

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VU mini-symposium Measuring Causal Relations

There were several speakers that all had new and elegant solutions to the problem of trying to establish causality in their field. The one that most appealed to me was the story of professor Olivers. Possibly because as a Cognitive … Continue reading

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Roting for change

The foundation of our educational system is the repetition of factual knowledge. Classrooms are filled with the chanting of multiplication. Useful and necessary one might think, but is it? What we need to know is not that “three times four … Continue reading

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Van de week was ik met twee vrouwelijke kameraden in een snackbar om wat te nassen. De langste dame uit ons gezelschap moest zich even verexcuseren en gaf mij de verantwoording over het bestellen van een frikandel speciaal en een … Continue reading

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The diamond age

Interesting book. Well written. A real page-turner, although the turning slowed down towards the end of the book. The story takes shape in a likely not too far away future, where people live in ‘clans’ and fill their heads and … Continue reading

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Convergence Culture.

Convergence Culture. Where old and new media collide – Henry Jenkins A good book, filled with examples of how our usage of media has changed –and is continuing to do so. The tone is friendly and on the positive side. … Continue reading

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