Category Archives: Writings

Climate Calling Engineers

Move Fast and Fix Things The sixth synthesis report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is clear: “Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming.” What are we going to do about it? … Continue reading

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The Gift of Giving

Patagonia just turned the entire profit of their company into a foundation to protect the earth. Bill Gates has been giving almost all of his money away and runs the Giving Pledge for other billionaires that feel their wealth is unevenly distributed. GiveWell has … Continue reading

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I Solemnly Swear: Code of Ethics

Codes of conduct or ethical codes exist in many professions. Engineers can also commit themselves to being good. Engineering Ethics The first code of ethics for engineers is the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer — written by Rudyard Kipling in … Continue reading

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Machine Rebel with a Cause: Chris Julien on Ethical Electronics and More

Chris Julien is a researcher at Waag Futurelab for technology and society while doing his PhD in “Ecological governance: Deep adaptation machines.” He is also part of the climate activism group Extinction Rebellion, taking part in climate protests that block off roads … Continue reading

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System Change, Not Climate Change

In her inaugural lecture, Dr. Heleen de Conick spoke about system change. She is now Professor of Socio-Technical Innovation and Climate Change in the Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences Department of the Eindhoven University of Technology. …cotinue reading at Elektor

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Tech Is Not Going to Save Us (Because It Already Can)

We should not wait on technology that is not yet fully developed to maybe save us in the future. Tech is already there for us; now we need to be there for it. Climate Tech We are experiencing more extreme … Continue reading

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