Category Archives: Games

The gaming in software development (part 2)

Taking in trial and error as part of the process instead of avoiding it like the bubonic plague is part of creative success. One of the most magical elements of a game-frame is that we constantly try and fail until … Continue reading

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The gaming in software development (part 1)

Yes, yes, yes: Gamification! The term sparks this Tell-Sell voice in my head “Oh my God, this is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Look, I can do what I have to do and have FUN while doing it. Such an amazing discovery. Your … Continue reading

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Oh’ the Gameness of it all

‘Gamification’ ‘Serious games’ and ‘Gameful’. There are blogs, books, articles and summits being held discussing these new game-concepts. Inspirational people come together to hold inspirational talks while the world is listening. The sliding grip we have on these new words … Continue reading

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Gezond recept Serious Gaming

“Games kun je alleen succesvol ontwikkelen als je goede partnerships hebt met mensen die veel weten op hun eigen gebied” aldus dr. Alma Schaafstal tijdens het symposium Games in de zorg: Hype of hoop? (hbo Windesheim). Het klinkt een beetje als … Continue reading

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Definitie spel

We spelen ontzettend veel spelletjes met z’n allen. Het is ons intuïtief duidelijk wat spelen inhoudt en wanneer je wel of niet aan het spelen bent maar het geven van een duidelijke definitie van spelen is vaak vrij lastig. Wat … Continue reading

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ARG vs. MMORPG: More real and more social.

I wanted to dive into the realm of Alternate Reality Games and find out more about how they work, why they work and what experiences they bring to the players. I expected this gaming genre to create all sorts of … Continue reading

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