Category Archives: Games


Another interesting distinction in game genres or game types is that of Exergames. Broadly speaking ‘exergames’ are all games that are controlled by bodily movement. Think of a game of virtual tennis, bowling or raft racing (Wii) and games like … Continue reading

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Rehabilitation thinking for games in health

Designing and researching games in health has underlayers of models we (unwittingly) hold on what rehabilitation should be  – and held within this our concepts of disability – driving our design decisions or the questions we ask. Rehabilitation: all measures … Continue reading

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Does a game prompt make us excited? Small online experiment

Finally online at ResearchGate – my presentation during Berlin Playweek 2016 at the Researching Games Barcamp The effect of a Game Prompt on Self-Efficacy concering problem solving challenges of living with Diabetes type II.   Initial results, would love to … Continue reading

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Perceived realism in media & gaming

Research at the turn of the century indicated that people can make judgements about the reality of a media experience on a moment-to-moment basis and that this judgement depends highly on the typicality of the experience (Shapiro, 2003). If it … Continue reading

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Resources: Games for health and education

The Center for Digital Games Research holds the searchable Health Games Database where you can find “hundreds of Games, Publications, Resources, Organizations, and Events – all focused on the use of digital games for health and health care.” It looks … Continue reading

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The play perspective of videogaming

Play seems to be something unreal. At first it seems intuitively clear what is meant by play; it is obvious when one is playing and when one is in earnest. The distinction between real and play seems clear, but at … Continue reading

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