Workshop Game Thinking

Psychology of Games
More and more people want to appeal to our playful nature by using games or game-elements in a new context. Serious gaming, applied games, playful design or gamification are all based on trying to direct the power of our playful nature.

Working Science
During this workshop you will gain greater insight into our playful nature.  The workshop will give you a basic understanding of the psychological processes that are involved when we are at play.

The power of play in your hands
You will discover relevant information from the social sciences, applied psychology and insights from effect research of games. We will discuss things like the teaching power of play,  extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation, psychological well-being and narrative structure. We will be using different kinds of feedback and game-elements.

“The workshop gave me insight into the market and background of gamification. The model of how to approach this was very insightful and manageable.”
Henriëtte van Strijland, marketeer.

We will discuss man at play, the psychology behind game-thinking and common pitfalls in application. We will simultaneously run through psychological theory, research results and possibilities for application guided by your own case study.
You can work on one case study with the entire group or have every participant bring their own. Together we will discuss different examples and investigate the application for your case and the possibilities for others.
During the day you will be brainstorming in both open and structured ways.

“The question often arises how do I make it fun/ how do I use game-elements in coaching and training, and I apply parts of the theory from the workshop to this.
For me, it is mostly a frame and an anchor.”
Paul de Vries, StudiumGenerale – Hogeschool Utrecht.

This day of play is suitable for 4-12 participants and runs from 10:00 till 16:00 hours. It includes a physical workbook and many online resources and references.
I can provide a venue for the day in Amsterdam or we can organise this workshop at your available location. The workshop fee is 2.200 eur.
Please e-mail me for all your questions and bookings or find me on Mastodon